We are super jazzed to welcome to our loft Dark Dark Dark from Minneapolis.
Their latest EP Bright Bright Bright has been gracing our turntable frequently as of late.

The core of Dark Dark Dark is accordion/pianist Nona Marie Invie and banjo/clarinetist Marshall LaCount, currently rounded out by Jonathan Kaiser on cello and Brett Bullion on drums with Todd Chandler & Walt McClements. Over a series of EPs (most recently the Bright Bright Bright EP released in April) and their 2008 full-length debut, The Snow Magic, Dark Dark Dark have crafted an exquisitely orchestral body of musical work that is as personally felt as it is grandly affecting. - Cake In 15
Check out a song from their stunning EP "Bright Bright Bright" right here:
Dark Dark Dark - "Daydreaming"
Autolux Record Release Party
We'll also be having a lil' party at the OV tonight to celebrate one of our favoritest (LA) bands of all time. Transit Transit the long awaited album from Autolux comes out on August 3rd. The band is rumored to be hanging out here for a bit, so stop by, hear the new record, and get it a day early. I think some ale and pizza may be in it for you as well!
UPDATE: Turns out the vinyl of "Transit Transit" has been delayed until August 10th, However the band was gracious enough to wrangle up 10 copies for the party tonight at 8pm. Get here early and be one of the first (of 10) to have this on vinyl!!! There is a slim to no chance the band will actually be able to stop by however. Still, we know how to party, so it'll be a good time!
Autolux's record label (TBD) has sent over more copies.
ReplyDeleteplenty of TT vinyl for everyone.